Mission Statement: A captivating image of a green forest with tall trees, illustrating a profound connection with nature and the preservation of our environment.

Orthopedic Massage Therapy

An Orthopedic Massage Therapy skeleton running on a black background.

Orthopedic Massage (O.M.) is a specific type of massage therapy which is often focused on treating painful conditions which affect the soft tissues of the body. Orthopedic massage is a comprehensive system as opposed to a single modality that incorporates a therapeutic assessment and plan for manipulation and movement of soft tissues to resolve pain and dysfunction. Often the terms orthopedic massage and medical massage go hand in hand. It may help you recover from your surgery faster or avoid the knife all together.

The goal lies in restoring function, structural integrity and balance throughout the body for both prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal dysfunctions. Pain relief will usually follow. Orthopedic massage involves a multidisciplinary approach that seeks to resolve the origin of the pain and/or dysfunction either from trauma-induced injuries or postural imbalances that exacerbate the pain through normal daily activities.

Pain, an subsequent orthopedic conditions have deep roots that often play a big part in our daily lives. They may originate from past injuries, postural imbalances due to poor work ergonomics, chronic pain and scar tissue from surgery or traumatic injury, which are often decades old. That fall off the skateboard, combined with your desk job, may in fact be the root cause of your sciatic pain or low back pain. In our practice, over 90% of sciatic pain is almost instantly resolved with a blend of massage and Active Isolated Stretching.

After that minor accident many years ago, perhaps a car accident, falling out of that tree as a kid, or that slip and fall that was long forgotten that all was ok. You have forgotten about it, but your body hasn’t. You may have felt at the time that you were “ok”. Your doctor probably told you that you might be sore for a couple days and that you where ok… no broken bones this time. But, that’s not the end of the story because here you are, still in pain or with limitations.

The massage therapist may integrate a wide range of techniques to treat these conditions, ideally adapting his or her style for each client, as every person’s body is slightly different. Techniques often draw from many different modalities including Active isolated Stretching to improve range of motion and help with muscular imbalances.

Orthopedic massage may be recommended by a physician or physical therapist who wants a patient to pursue multiple treatment modalities. Many people seek the services of an orthopedic massage therapist independently. Therapists are have advanced training to address various issues including back pain, hip pain, knee pain as well as hip replacements, knee replacements, foot issues including plantar fasciitis, bunions and more. Carpal tunnel, sore wrists, golfers and tennis elbow, stiff necks, frozen shoulders and many varieties of spinal and disk issues are addressed.

Personally, I have a “bad” hip where I was told my 5 surgeons that a hip replacement was necessary. I can only say that as of today, I am out of pain, and off prescription pain medication, without the invasive surgery.

Orthopedic massage therapists focus on problems with the client’s musculoskeletal system. Your licensed trained professional may release tight muscles, help to stretch shortened muscles and tendons, and decompress joints. The goal is to normalize the soft tissues of the body. This is done to both to treat specific conditions and to assist in keeping one generally healthy and fit.

Orthopedic massage is an outcome-based massage as is “medical massage. If requested or appropriate, your therapist will review the physician’s diagnosis then administer a thorough assessment/evaluation. Your advanced master therapist will treat according to your referring physicians prescription, if available.

This advanced work known as orthopedic massage addresses a wide spectrum of emotional, physical, and physiological conditions related to trauma, disease, debilitation, and recovery. A growing number of health professionals are recognizing this and advising medical or orthopedic massage to their patients.

At Planet Massage, we strive to be a part of your complete and holistic medical care. Orthopedic massage is part of what is known as “Cam”or “Complimentary and Alternative medicine”. We can assist your doctor in your medical treatment, or be part of a more progressive, alternative health and wellness plan and play a part in your front line defense, keeping you well in the first place. We will work with your Doctors and other health care providers to help you achieve and maintain optimal health and happiness to the best of our abilities.

Orthopedic massage sessions may a variety of techniques, though you really don’t have to worry much about that. Sit back, relax and let your therapist figure it out! You very well need series of treatments, please remember that the effects of massage are cumulative. For the first month, it may be ideal for you to come in once or twice then taper off. You may have good days, and bad days. Some might even feel worse than when you started and while it is a bummer to feel like you are backsliding, it really isn’t. It’s part of the healing process and your progress as a healthy person with vigor and vitality.

At Planet Massage, we strive to be a part of your complete and holistic medical care.
We are not a one stop shop, but can be very vital in helping with the aches and pains of life as well as aging. Orthopedic massage is part of what is known as “Cam”or “Complimentary and Alternative medicine”. We can assist your doctor in your medical treatment, or be part of a more progressive, alternative health and wellness plan and play a part in your front line defense, keeping you well in the first place. We will work with your Doctors and other health care providers to help you achieve and maintain optimal health and happiness to the best of our abilities.

Contact us today to discuss your options for orthopedic or medical massage. Your clinical director Mark is always available for a free phone or email consultation to answer any questions and help figure our your best treatment plan and course of action.

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